Chitwan Association of Industries
Bharatpur-10, Exporoad, Chitwan, Bagmati Province"AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED ORGANIZATION"
Chitwan Udhyog Sangh (Chitwan Association of Industries) is an umbrella organization of industries of all strata and categories being operated in Chitwan Nawalpur region. Established in 1990 as a platform for the industrialists to discuss important issues regarding various down-to-earth problems, industrial legislation and available resources which can be employed in problem solving endeavors, it has become able to address the worries of those industrialists who are chasing goals of personal and collective prosperity. As a local level affiliate of Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) and Federation of Nepalese Cottage and Small Industries (FNCSI), Chitwan Association of Industries (CAI) has been conducting various activities to uplift the skills and morale of the industrialists.
On the other hand it has also been actively supporting CNI and FNCSI in their every effort to remove policy hurdles. Likewise it has also been taking part in the initiative of Nepal Government to draft industry friendly laws and legislations. Inherent to its motto "Efficient Industrialists, Pride of the Nation" this organization runs different types of trainings, industrial visits and information sharing seminars to build capacity of industrialists. It also supports the prospective entrepreneurs who are aspiring to contribute for the wider goal of the nation to achieve a sustained growth by running vibrant industries.